The visual fashion creations were inspired by Giovanni Canu. Famous Italian Artist from Sardinia, based in Milan. of abstract modern art, exploited the evocative interrelation between color and form to create an aesthetic experience that engaged the sight, sound, and emotions of the public.


Photography Leonardo V











Painting is, deeply spiritual for Giovanni. He sought to convey profound spirituality and the depth of human emotion through a universal visual language of abstract forms and colors that transcended cultural and physical boundaries. as the ideal visual mode to express the “inner necessity” of the artist and to convey universal human emotions and ideas. He viewed himself as a prophet whose mission was to share this ideal with the world for the betterment of society. Giovanni through music as the most transcendent form of non-objective art – musicians could evoke images in listeners’ minds merely with sounds. He strove to produce similarly object-free, spiritually rich paintings that alluded to sounds and emotions through a unity of sensation as a tribute to life.
This duo-showing features a pleasing array of eye-catching digital and photo art, as brought to the two dimensional viewing surface from the multi-dimensional minds of these two unique visual artists. chaotic, disorderly, is a type of revolutionary fashion creations.
As light streamed through the windows and the artists went to work, curious passers-by were able to see mystical creatures take form.



Concept Style & Photography Leonardo V

Assistant style Giorgia Scaccabarozzi

Hair & Make-up By Letizia Maestri Assistant Make-up Artist Francesca Folegati & Chiara Cividini

Thanks to Namesmodel@milan, Nologomodel@milan, Dasmodel@milan, Thelabmodel@milan, Lovemodel@milan

Production Lia Hofmann